Tagebuchseiten | diary pages

Tagebuchseiten - Filmminuten - Bilder+Objekte - sonstige Projekte

diary pages - minutes of film - paintings+objects - other projects

komplexe Kontexte | complex contexts
(chronisch) | (chronic)

TABU 2000 (expanded cinema)
TABU 2000 (expanded cinema)
1000 x (21x29,7 cm) | 1979...88...94...98... | DIN-A4-Papier + Film
(Der authentische Bilderdienst zu Kunst und Leben des Michael Brynntrup)
(The Authentic Picture Service for the Art and Life of Michael Brynntrup)
(Tagebuch-Serie) | (diary serial)

TABU V (wovon man nicht sprechen kann)
TABU V (About Which One Cannot Speak)
13:00 Min. | 1998 | 16mm | col | sound [MBCFILM#52]
(Tagebuchfilm) | (film diary)

30 Min. | 1988 | Super8 | col | sound [MBCFILM#23]
(Tagebuchfilm) | (film diary)