
FILMTOUR FERNOST (2) | Film Tour Far East (2)
March 4th - 27th, 2016

Mini Doc Fest HCMC
(March 19/20, 2016)

[ supported by the Goethe-Institute Vietnam,
San Art in cooperation with Art House Saigon at Hoa Sen University
and the Braunschweig University of Art (HBK) ]

Programm | program
Michael Brynntrup & his students of the Film Class Braunschweig

Teil 1: Werkschau Michael Brynntrup |
Part 1: Portrait Michael Brynntrup
[ 33 min | 1990-2016 | 4 FilmVideo ]

Sat, 19.03.2016, 18-20h - San Art in cooperation with Art House Saigon at Hoa Sen University, HCMC Vietnam


Being used to a certain aesthetic presented in mainstream TV and cinema, people often find experimental short films strange and hard to digest. However the personal works of Michael Brynntrup, one of the most profilic German filmmakers working mainly on the underground circuit, are regarded as small jewels of cinematic culture that are very appealing and attract enthusiastic audiences.

Michael Brynntrup often performs the leading role in his movies. Yet his films are different than the films originating from an autobiographical filmmaking tradition in North America who use private lives as a form of artistic expression. When Michael Brynntrup exposes his subjectivity, it's not a one-to-one representation and he addreses always the human being in general. His films can be seen as experimental reflections of a narcissistic artist who presents himself as a man portraying himself to others who are supposed to recognise themselves in him.

"I see cinema, in essence, not as mass media, but as an individual experience that takes place in the mind of each viewer." (Michael Brynntrup) He leaves the audience to decide on the ambivalence of his work and to reflect on themselves while identifying with the exposed character in the film. As an experimental and independent filmmaker who sees his work as a medial self-reflection (film as metafilm) and working from a gay male perspective, he tries to direct his films to different contextual and technical limits. How well can reality be presented? What limits do morals and the media set? Despite his preoccupation with heavy existential themes of death and personal identity in his work, his vision is often ironic. He is able to integrate a personal diaristic strategy using humour and pathos to subvert, to create films which are both intimate and visually stunning.

(Tampere International Short Film Festival, catalogue 2004 - Maarit Jaakkola)
THE STATICS - Engineering Memory Bridges
21 min | 1990 | 16mm | bw | sound [MBCFILM#32]
(Filmpuzzle) | (puzzle film)
Rests and tests from the inquiry into prototypes.
Formal proofs through pregnant experiments on one's own body.
{Information sheet of the film, 1990}

Test cards, doodlings, film techniques and visual experiments - the mechanics of film itself form the narrative of »Die Statik der Eselsbrücken«. And again, the result is hypnotic.
(headpress Manchester, 3/91 - David Kerekes)
HERZSOFORT.SETZUNG II (autogene Manipulationen)
HEART.INSTANT/IATION II (Autogenous Manipulations)
7:15 min | 1996 | BetaSP + 16mm | col | sound [MBCFILM#50]
(serielles Selbstportrait) | (selfportrait serial)
A medium is not an abbreviation that brings one thing to another, but rather a third added to two. A medium is not static, not a bridge, but develops a life of its own whenever activated.
The ECG of metempsychosis (from the genes to the zodiac).
Electrographics of the 4th Dimension.
{Information sheet of the film, 1996}

»Herzsofort.Setzung« is under no cirumstances a mindless rehearsal of various mediaforms. In spite of different forms like Super8, CD-Rom, VHS-Video, colour copy or computer print, that are presented sometimes in an absurd manner, the single generation of the pictures are linked by the pleasure lying in - the uncertainty of the process, also in the formulation of the question. What remains from the transformed man after his bath in the media?
(Filmwinter, Festival Catalogue 1996 - Ulrich Wegenast)
1:35 min | 2010 | DV + flash | bw+col | stereo [MBCFILM#73]
(quadratischer Film) | (square film)
No Facebook! Just homepage.
A corporate video on the 11th anniversary of my website on the 'Digital Day', 10-10-10.
{Information sheet of the film, 2007}

2:12 min | 2016 | HD (+GIF) | bw+col | stereo [MBCFILM#79]
(maschinenlesbarer Film) | (computer generated film)
QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is an optical label that contains information arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device (such as a camera, scanner, etc.) (en.wikipedia.org)
{Information sheet of the film, 2016}

Programm | program
Michael Brynntrup & his students of the Film Class Braunschweig

Teil 2: Aktuelle Arbeiten von Studierenden der HBK-Filmklasse |
Recent works by the Film Class Braunschweig |     FILMKLASSE BRAUNSCHWEIG
[ 29 min | 2011-2015 | 5 FilmVideo ]

Sat, 19.03.2016, 18-20h - San Art in cooperation with Art House Saigon at Hoa Sen University, HCMC Vietnam

Jedes Jahr zum Rundgang der HBK präsentieren die Studierenden der Filmklasse ihre neuen Arbeiten. Neben einem zweistündigen Filmprogramm werden auch noch Fotoarbeiten, Klang- und Video-Installationen gezeigt. Das hier vorgestellte Programm umfasst einen Teil der Single-screen-Arbeiten aus den Studienjahren 2011-2015. In den FilmVideos kommen alle Techniken zum Einsatz, die die Filmklasse zu bieten hat: von handentwickeltem 16mm-Film bis hin zu computergenerierten 'Signalen'. Die Studierenden entscheiden frei über die Wahl ihrer künstlerischen Mittel. Ausschlaggebend ist immer die persönliche Weltsicht, die subjektive Vorstellungskraft und Kreativität. So entstehen höchst unterschiedliche Bildwelten: neben formal-abstrakten auch dokumentarisch-fokussierte oder poetisch-intime Arbeiten. Immer aber liegt das Augenmerk und Interesse der Autoren darin, von sich selbst als Individuum und ihrem persönlichen Blick auf die Welt zu berichten. (MB)
Every year at the HBK Open House, the students of the Film Class present their new works. In addition to a two-hour film program, they also exhibit photo works, sound installations and video installations. The program presented here includes some of the single-channel works from the academic years 2011-2015. These film/videos feature all the technical possibilities that are available to the Film Class: from hand-developed 16mm film to computer-generated “signals”. The students are free to choose their own artistic tools. The crucial factor is always the student’s personal worldview, creativity and power of imagination. This has resulted in very diverse visual worlds: besides formal/abstract works, there are also documentary ones and poetic/intimate ones. However, the focus and interest of each auteur is to report on the self as an individual, and on one’s personal view of the world. (MB)
Alice Angeletti
Uovo al pomodoro
6:00 min | 2013 | HD (16:9) | col | sound (no dialog) | OV (UTen)

Scrambled eggs with tomato sauce is a delicious and easy Italian dish. It tastes best when fresh tomato sauce is mixed with an egg and salted to taste. The preparation is fast and easy. Enjoy your meal!
Alice Angelettiis born in 1978 in La Spezia, Italy. She studied Egyptology and Ancient Literature at Pisa and Tübingen Universities. She moved to Germany in 2007, and since 2011 she's attending the University of Arts in Braunschweig (HBK) and studying Fine Arts in the courses of M.Brynntrup and C.Schnitt
Sabine Janz
5:16 min | 2013 | digifile 4:3 (Super8) | bw | stereo | (no dialog)

This short film was shooting in Super8 and describe my feelings in November at the coast of Tallinn, Estonia. Like the title said is this film dealing with the topic loneliness witch you can understand by visiting the scandinavian countries in the late autumn. By using toys on the beach I tried to catch the monotony and the fight again this feeling of not be alone. The black & white quality also accompany the authentic of the film.
Sabine Janz was born in Germany in 1984. She was trained as a bookbinder and studied Fine Art at the University of Fine Arts in Braunschweig with Professor Michael Brynntrup and Professor Thomas Virnich from 2008 till 2015. Her medium is film and photography, and installation. In her study abroad in Israel and Estonia, as well as during her trips through Russia, China and Jordan, she traveled not only the world, but rather she applies herself to the underlying cultures in an artistic form.
Rico Chibac
virtual realitv
4:13 min | 2011 | video (HDV) | sound | OVdt (UTen)

This video shocks the users of the world wide web. It was published on YouTube and shows the immense brutality of the war in Afghanistan. The video was made using an infrared camera, whose broadcast images were recorded off of a computer screen.
Rico Chibac (born 1984) is a filmmaker, musician and artist based in Hamburg. His work is all about subjective reality, immersion and depicting life in its whole. He is Co-Founder of SpiceVR and a part of the Filmfabrique Creative Collective Hamburg.
Deborah Uhde & John D'Arcy
Back ande Vor
5:32 min | 2014 | HD (16:9) | col | stereo | OVdt+en

A meeting point. A missing point. A conversation at the border of languages.
Deborah Uhde, born in 1982, is an independent filmmaker and artist. Her special focus is set on experimental and documentaristic films, as well as on situative formats like installation or performance. Also writing critiques, instructing workshops/ trainings and curating film programmes.
Vivian Oliveira
8:00 min | 2015 | HD (16:9) | col | sound | OVpt (UTen)

A surreal atmosphere. An intimate ambience. Intense. Deep. - Maybe a secret force , maybe the soul , maybe the unconsciousness. Standstill ! Tea or Coffee? Cash or card ? Black or white? Difficult questions. Two colors. - Dream? Reality ? The depth of the world of ideas? The real external world ? Silence ! - No laughter, no tears ! Fatigue?Depression? Restlessness? Despair? Nothing ! - Where? Not here, not there ! How ? When ? What ? Why ? How long ? Eternity. 8 minutes. - Logical thoughts are beyond my limits.
Vivian Oliveira, 1983 in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She studied Psychology at the Catholic University of Petrópolis. Has been studying Free Arts at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste since 2009. Honour as 'Meisterschüler' by Prof. Michael Brynntrup 2015.