
Michael Brynntrup
SEX, DEATH, FILM - Archive / Analog / Artefacts

Eaton Workshop Lobby (香港逸東酒店), Hong Kong
09.06. – 09.07.2024

Michael Brynntrup: SEX, DEATH, FILM - Archive / Analog / Artefacts   (09.06. – 09.07.2024)

[installation]   [photo works]   [exhibition]   [media]   [credits]   [address]   [film program]

The exhibition will display precious cultural relics such as manuscripts, films, videos, DVDs, promotional publications, film stills, and writings related to Michael Brynntrup's creative career over the past four decades.
(from the catalogue 'Pride At Eaton', Hong Kong 2024)

覽將展出Michael Brynntrup 過去四十多年創作生涯

Die Ausstellung umfasst Manuskripte, Filme, Videokassetten, DVDs, Werbematerialien, Filmstills und andere Materialien, die mit Michael Brynntrups kreativem Schaffen der letzten 40 Jahre in Verbindung stehen.
(aus dem Katalog 'Pride At Eaton', Hong Kong 2024)

Filmprogramm | film program


Installation | installation

HERZSOFORT.SETZUNG II (autogene Manipulationen)
HEART.INSTANT/IATION II (Autogenous Manipulations)
7:15 min | 1996 | BetaSP + 16mm | col | sound [MBCFILM#50]
(serielles Selbstportrait) | (selfportrait serial)
A medium is not an abbreviation that brings one thing to another, but rather a third added to two. A medium is not static, not a bridge, but develops a life of its own whenever activated.
The ECG of metempsychosis (from the genes to the zodiac).
Electrographics of the 4th Dimension.
{Information sheet of the film, 1996}

»Herzsofort.Setzung« is under no cirumstances a mindless rehearsal of various mediaforms. In spite of different forms like Super8, CD-Rom, VHS-Video, colour copy or computer print, that are presented sometimes in an absurd manner, the single generation of the pictures are linked by the pleasure lying in - the uncertainty of the process, also in the formulation of the question. What remains from the transformed man after his bath in the media?
(Filmwinter, Festival Catalogue 1996 - Ulrich Wegenast)


Fotoarbeiten | photo works

(left) X-PERM:03.Gen.Reprint
(Scan vom Fotoabzug eines Super8-Stills aus »TV-X-PERM.«)
C-Print, 59,4 × 84,1 cm (Din-A1), 2024

(right) ACHTUNG (Totenkopf Doppel)
(Scan eines 8mm- und 35mm-Filmkader aus: »ACHTUNG - Die Achtung«)
C-Print, 59,4 × 84,1 cm (Din-A1), 2024

tilstandsrapport reprint
(riks.utsillinger, Norway, status report 25.11.2002 on "Kephalloforte 3")
C-Print, 59,4 × 84,1 cm (Din-A1), 2024

Entwurf #2 zum "Googlebild_Spiegelbild" | Outline design for "Google mirror image"
(Googlebild_Spiegelbild, Digitaldruck, dreiteilig je 56,3 x 100 cm, 2012)
Inkjet-Print, 29,7 x 21,0 cm (Din-A4), 2012/2024


aus der Ausstellung | from the exhibition


Mediendesign | media design

Katalog | catalogue 'Pride At Eaton', Hong Kong 2024

Eaton HK – Month-Long Pride Program
To celebrate Pride Month, Eaton HK will host a month-long queer arts and cultural programs from May 26 to August 12 2024. This year’s theme, “Eclipsed Bodies, Embraced Pride”, inspired by the astronomical phenomenon of "the eclipse of the stars".
The theme challenges societal norms, expectations, and definitions of perfect bodies, encouraging gender and sexual minorities, as well as people with disabilities, to embrace their unique experiences. We invite everyone to step out of the shadows cast by cis-heteronormativity and ableism, celebrating their own paths and thriving on their own terms.
(Text: Joseph Chen, Director of Culture, Eaton HK)

Plakatentwurf | poster design by Qin Dao


credits | credits

Realisation | Realization
Michael Brynntrup

Organisation, Kuratoren | Organization, curators
Qin Dao, Joseph Chen

Bauten | Constructions
Eaton Workshop Hong Kong & Team

Ausstellungsfotografie | Photo documentation of the exhibition
Eaton Workshop Hong Kong, tomorrowmaybe_hk, MB

Eaton Workshop 逸东工坊
Eaton Workshop is a global hospitality company, built to uplift the human spirit as we collectively pursue a better world for people and planet. Founded in 2014 by Hong Kong born Asian-American Katherine Lo, Eaton is not only a place for travelers to lay their heads — it’s a place to experience belonging, creativity, and community.
逸东工坊是一家全球性的酒店管理公司. 在我们共同追求人类和地球的美好世界时,为提升人们精神世界而建立。 逸东由出生在香港的亚裔美国人凯瑟琳-罗(Katherine Lo)于2014年创立,逸东不仅是一个让旅行者放松休息的地方-也是一个体验归属感、创造力和社区的地方.

Curatorial Partner 策展夥伴
ON KINO 論電影院
On Kino was founded in 2017 by artist and filmmaker Qin Dao. You can say On Kino is an archive, a film centre, a cinema, or a research institute, but it’s not. On Kino incites all kinds of events, discussing all kinds of topics in the name of film or screenings.
論電影院由藝術家和電影製作人Qin Dao 於2017 年創立。你或會認為論電影院是一 個檔案館、電影中心、影院或研究所,但事實並非如此。論電影院以電影及放映之名, 激起各種活動的可能性、探討各種話題。

Artist 藝術家
Michael Brynntrup (born 1959) is a German experimental filmmaker and media artist living in Berlin. He creates experimental poems, paintings, fotography, copyart, text, diary, installations, performances since 1970s. Michael has produced over 70 experimental short films and videos since 1981, four feature films. He has exhibited internationally in exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art New York, Berlin Film Festival, Oberhausen Film Festival and many more.
Michael Brynntrup(生於1959 年)是一位居住在柏林的德國實驗電影製作人和媒 體藝術家。自1970 年代以來,他在詩、繪畫、攝影、複製藝術、文字、日記、裝置藝 術和表演藝術上進行實驗性創作。自1981 年以來,Michael 已製作超過70 部實驗 短片及4 部長片。他多次在國際上展出作品,包括紐約現代藝術博物館、柏林電影節、


Adresse | address

Eaton HK, Lobby & Kino
380 Nathan Road 1/F Kowloon, KOW Hong Kong

Eröffnung | Opening:   Sat, 08.06.2024, 16.30h / 4:30 p.m.
Filmvorführung | Screening:   Sat, 08.06.2024, 17.30h / 5:30 p.m.
Ausstellung | Exhibition:   09. June 2024 – 09. July 2024
