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{title} ATHENS, GREECE / IN THE YEAR 2435, 5 TO 12: 00

Blind man: It's you again, you rascal. I'll get you sometime.

{title} Udo Kier / Mara Mattuschka / Mevlana Van Vark / Ichgola Androgyn

Mother Ernst: Antigone, Antigone...


Mother Ernst: ...lunch will be served at 12: 00 sharp, -...

{title} A DÉJÀ REVUE

Mother Ernst: ...and don't play in the street.

{intertitle} (1st part)
{intertitle} To ponder death
is to ponder freedom.
Those who have learned to die
no longer know how to serve.
(Michel de Montaigne)

Mr. Hettemann: Sorry,- hello.

Mother Ernst: Hello. Come a little closer.

Mr. Hettemann: I thought it might a good idea, if I...- You know what I mean.

Mother Ernst: Of course, you're absolutely right. Pleased to meet you - My name is Ernst.

Mr. Hettemann: Hettemann, with 'e'

Mother Ernst: Please take a seat.

Mother Ernst: I'm very glad that you have come to see us. Most people live from day to day, and when the time is finally up, then, it's already too late. 'Hettemann', yes?, with 'e'. And your firstname?

Mr. Hettemann: Egon. But, Frau Ernst, I came here just to get some information.

Mother Ernst: Yes indeed. That's what we're here for. Do you have anything specific in mind, Herr Hettemann?

Mr. Hettemann: Nothing in particular, - I have given it some thought but after all it comes down to how much things cost?

Mother Ernst: Herr Hettemann!, we would like it very much, if we could talk openly! Money is no longer a tabu! By the way: would you like some coffee?

Mr. Hettemann: Please.

Mother Ernst: Don't get up. {to the child} Go outside and play.
Aah! What a mess, we are having staff problems, - everything is so expensive these days. You can't even die for nothing, - you have to pay with your life.

Mr. Hettemann: Yes, yes.

Mother Ernst: But even life isn't for free. Things aren't what they used to be.

Mother Ernst: Antigone, Antigone!...
...lunch will be served at 12: 00 sharp, -and don't play in the street.

funeral orator: In the name of God! - The bereaved move forward!

Mother Ernst: Quite right, Herr Hettemann, let's talk about the money openly. Sugar?

Mr. Hettemann: No, thanks.

Mother Ernst: You know, the price depends on several factors, for example whether you prefer a normal burial or cremation?

Mr. Hettemann: Oh! Please, not with fire. Fire, - no, no, please no.

Mother Ernst: Oh, that's not a problem, Herr Hettemann. Have you decided on a cemetary yet?

Mr. Hettemann: ...on a cemetary?! Well, if you ask me so directly, of course not. I mean, not exactly. I saw a film once, it was - very nice. There was a beautiful funeral, a beautiful grave. It was ringed by stones and covered with ivy. And the best thing was: the grave site was under a tree, in the shade. - I'd like something like that, - but I couldn't tell you where it was.

Mother Ernst: That's not so important right now. We'll give you an estimate, you can look over it at home. Are you single or married?

Mr. Hettemann: Me? Single. I do have a dog that I like very much, but yes, single!

Mother Ernst: Single, good! Look here we have a catalogue, you'll find everything in it. These are photos of several settings. Pillows, burial clothing, candles. Look at those beautiful flowers. And here at the end there are the texts for the ribbons: "Adieu, Good bye, rest in peace"; it's not always "suddenly and unexpectedly", don't you agree?

Mr. Hettemann: You're right, Frau Ernst, - but isn't it sinfully expensive?

Mother Ernst: I see, money is tight. - One has to be prepared, even for the worst. - Herr Hettemann, - let me show you a few coffins. The quality will convince you.

Mother Ernst: Note the splendid decoration, all covered by your insurance. Everything is well made. Of course, you can design your own coffin, if you like. Would you like to give it a try?

X {with Death mask}: This is a stick-up!

X {with Death mask}: Money or your life!

{intertitle} A FEW SECONDS LATER
{intertitle} INTERMEZZO
{intertitle} A DÉJÀ REVUE
{intertitle} AND NO SURPRISES (FILM)
{intertitle} (2nd part)
{intertitle} Life is a deadly illness,
which is carried over by sexual contacts.
(Graffitti on a public toilet, 1990)

funeral orator: And if I may add some personal reflections: Dear family members and mourners. Saying Goodbye is a bit - like dying. With every one that leaves us, goes a piece of ourselves. Excuse me. We are gathered here to lay our good friend to his final rest. He had many plans, his whole life ahead of him. He didn't suspect his premature end, nor did we, noone did. But even a brief live has its ending. In such moments we look for - answers: How, what, why? The cycle of life demands its tribute. Dear community, - Our friend is dead. - And, if I may add some personal reflections: We shall never forget him! Nothing is the same anymore.
Yes, please.

Blind man: Are you all blind, you idiots! Running out a blind man here in the cemetary! You rowdies, yes, I know, there's no peace even in a cemetary!

funeral orator: Dear mourners, (hrm) - And as we look into the future, we look forwarded full of joy and assurance at what will come.
In the name of God! - Those in the back move forward!

{parallel} Dear mourners and funeral participants! (hr-erm) The birds are chirping, it's a beautiful day. Short and sweet: we move along: Life goes on! Now, if you would - please!

Gardener: So Antigone, hä, my child, where is your mother?!

Coffin bearer: Hey, Gustav, will you come over here?! - Open the door!

Antigone: Puh!!

Mother: Yuck!, that's a scare, - Andi, hand it here. - What are you doing back here, get over here and stop your horrid game. Don't ever do that again! - I don't ever want to see that again, is that clear!? I've told you again and again you musn't play with these things - Now that's quite enough. And to show you you'll get no dessert today!

Mother Ernst: Oh my Heard pressure. - Here, you know which way.

Blind man: Are you all blind, you idiots! Running out a blind man here in the cemetary! You rowdies, yes, I know, there's no peace even in a cemetary! What's going on here!

funeral orator: In the name of God! - Those in the back move forward!

Gardener: So Antigone, hä, my child, where is your mother?!

Coffin bearer: Hey, Gustav, will you come over here?! - Open the door!

funeral orator: Dear mourners, - Our friend hasn't left us, - our friend has just gone ahead. - Even a brief life has its ending. etc., etc... - Long speek, short on sens: we must say goodbye. - We must say goodbye!

Mother Ernst: I don't ever want to see that again, is that clear!? And to show you you'll get no dessert today!

hearse driver: So Kid, what's the matter? - Okay, okay.

Mr. Hettemann: huhu!, I'm here!
huhu!, here I am!

Mr. Hettemann: Catch me, catch me. - ups!
No I won't... No stop it...

Mr. Hettemann: Look!

Blind man: Are you all blind, you idiots! - Running out a blind man here in the cemetary! - You rowdies, yes, I know, there's no peace even in a cemetary!

{Schild} FUNERAL DIRECTORS ERNST - just opened

Mr. Hettemann: Before I forget: Adieu, Good Bye, Auf Wiedersehen.

{intertitle} ENDE

{Übersetzung / translation: Conni Hanna, Andreas Wildfang}