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(Michael Brynntrup - ein Einblick)
Sonntag, 21.04.02, 19:30 h
Kino Arsenal - Potsdamer Str. 2 - 10785 Berlin
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Programm | program
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SCHWARZFILM, Stumm, 5 Minuten
SCHWARZFILM, Silent, 5 Minutes
3 Min. | 1984 | Super8 + 16mm | bw | silent [MBCFILM#09]
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Wie gesagt. - Ein Film wie sein Titel.
{Informationsblatt zum Film, 1984}
As said. - A film like its title.
{Information sheet of the film, 1984}
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STUMMFILM für Gehörlose
SILENT MOVIE For Deaf People
6 Min. | 1984 | Super8 + 16mm | bw | sound [MBCFILM#08]
(Lehrfilm) | (educational film)
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Dieser Film heißt nicht -wie fälschlicherweise unterstellt wird- 'Laufende Bilder für Gehbehinderte'. ... ein Lehr- und Übungsfilm.
{Informationsblatt zum Film, 1984}
The title of this film isn't -as is mistakenly assumed- 'Moving Pictures for the Movement Disabled'. ... an educational and exercise film.
{Information sheet of the film, 1984}
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8 Min. | 1986 | Super8 + 16mm | col | sound [MBCFILM#15]
(Problemfilm) | (problem film)
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Früher oder später wird jeder mit dem Problem konfrontiert: 'Wohin mit der Leiche', - ein Problemfilm. Psychosomatische Geburtsvorbereitung mit praktischen Übungen zur Sterbehilfe.
{Informationsblatt zum Film, 1986}
Sooner or later everyone is confronted with this problem: what to do with the body. A problem film. - Psychosomatic birth preparation with practical exercises for euthanasia.
{Information sheet of the film, 1986}
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14 Min. | 1989 | 16mm | bw | sound [MBCFILM#30]
(Rätselfilm) | (riddle film)
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Ein Rätselfilm ist die besondere Form des Unterhaltungsfilms, bei dem der Inhalt aus dem formalen Gefüge des Films erraten werden muß.
{Informationsblatt zum Film, 1989}
Long seemed invalid the Prophet's word, - But honored it was, - By the outcome at last: - How odd the maddness, how strange a death!
(Ovid, Metamorphoses)
{Information sheet of the film, 1989}
Brynntrup creates his own rococo version of the classical myth of Narcissus and Echo, a story of longing, love, and self-love. Brynntrup comments "A film in the form of a riddle is a special kind of entertainment film whereby the film's content must be deduced from the film's formal structure."
(Information The Museum of Modern Art Department of Film, 1992 - Karen Lund)
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MODERN, das - Totentanz 7
DECA(Y)DANCE - Death Dance 7
7 Min. | 1991 | 16mm | col | sound [MBCFILM#34]
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"Totenmaske, Gesichtsabdruck eines Verstorbenen in weichem Gips oder Wachs"
{Informationsblatt zum Film, 1991}
"Death mask: facial imprint of the deceased in soft plaster or wax."
{Information sheet of the film, 1991}
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7 Min. | 1991 | 16mm | col | sound [MBCFILM#35]
(Lehrfilm) | (educational film)
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Du weißt ganz genau, daß jetzt viele Länder Filme in ihrer Sprache herstellen ... (Original mit Untertiteln). - You know that every film has its own language ... (subtitled original)
{Informationsblatt zum Film, 1991}
You know very well, that nowadays many countries produce films in their own language ... (original with subtitles).
{Information sheet of the film, 1991}
The witty »Love, Jealousy and Revenge« explores the mobile meanings of language in film with the help of sophisticated telecommunications; an aural/oral offering.
(Hygiene and Hysteria Tour Program, UK 1994 - Sarah Turner, Ian Rashid)
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TABU V (wovon man nicht sprechen kann)
TABU V (About Which One Cannot Speak)
13:00 Min. | 1998 | 16mm | col | sound [MBCFILM#52]
(Tagebuchfilm) | (film diary)
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Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man Filme machen.
(frei nach Ludwig Wittgenstein)
{Informationsblatt zum Film, 1998}
About which one cannot speak, one must make films.
(loosely based on Ludwig Wittgenstein)
{Information sheet of the film, 1998}
TABU V plays with the medium of film in a light-hearted and inquisitive manner; a concentrated, intelligent and multilayered film in which wit is juxtaposed assuredly with profound, searching analysis.
(New York Film Academy Award - Best Short Film, Panorama 1998)
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ACHTUNG - die Achtung (concentration chair)
ACHTUNG - Respect (concentration chair)
14 Min. | 2001 | 35mm | bw + col | stereo [MBCFILM#56]
(Sensations- und Besinnungsfilm) | (sensation film)
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Daß alle unsere Erkenntnis mit der Erfahrung anfange, daran ist gar kein Zweifel.
(Immanuel Kant, Einleitung zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft, 1.Satz)
Im Körper geboren (...und in der Zeit...)
{Informationsblatt zum Film, 2001}
There can be no doubt that all our knowledge begins with experience.
(Immanuel Kant, Introduction to the Critique of Pure Reason, opening sentence)
Born in the body (...and in time...)
{Information sheet of the film, 2001}
Certainly even today some viewers will be affected by this work. Respect for the true art of filmmaking demanded that even the closeup be kept in, where a razor slices through an eye.
(Warning introduction to the German archival copy of UN CHIEN ANDALOU)