
Projektbeschreibung | description of the project

Zusammenfassung | summary

The »Heart.Instant/iation« is a serial self-portrait:
'time-based' (just like life itself) and (by its own nature) unfinished.
For more than ten years a series of (picture-) generations has been generated;
- an end is not visible (and not even intended).

The 'source picture' of this series is an instant picture (painted over) from the year 1988. In the meantime this series has been carrying on by 76 generations and by means of 22 variously differing reproduction techniques (by March 1998).

The main line of these 76 generations is organized into sequences: each sequence starts with a switch of format from a big-sized 'table picture' into a small-sized reproduction medium (e.g. small picture film).

In the (for the time being) 16 sequences 13 original self-portraits are 'integrated'. These self-portraits lead (by progressive abstraction and diffusion through the reproduction process) - from time to time and for a certain while - to a new concretisation of motive of the picture. The single 'motive' that remains through all generations is the reflection of light in the eye of the 'source picture'.

{translation: Odette Buss}

x Zusammenfassung | summary

A medium is not an abbreviation that brings one thing to another, but rather a third added to two. A medium is not static, not a bridge, but develops a life of its own whenever activated.
